Monday, February 20, 2012

Limit on number of databases?


What is the limit on the number of databases for SSAS 2005 Standard Edition?

Is there a performance hit on the server having lots of databases? Or is it better to have a single database and create multiple cubes to serve your purpose? Note that the data stored in each cube will not be related to any of the other cubes in the database...


mmmman wrote:

What is the limit on the number of databases for SSAS 2005 Standard Edition?

2,147,483,647 (see

mmmman wrote:

Is there a performance hit on the server having lots of databases? Or is it better to have a single database and create multiple cubes to serve your purpose? Note that the data stored in each cube will not be related to any of the other cubes in the database...

It probably depends on what you mean by "lots". The more databases you have the longer it will take to load the meta data relating to them. So with a lot of databases it will take the server longer to startup and it will obviously take longer to get a list of the available databases. So I would maybe lean towards saying that less databases is better, but this is not a choice I usually have to make, usually there is a logical split. If you are using the same, or mostly the same dimensions, then putting everything in the one database would help with cache re-use. If everything, dimensions and facts are independant, then they probably belong in separate databases.

You would also need to consider backup and restore. If everything is in one database then it must all be backed up and restored together.

|||Great, thanks Darren...

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