Friday, March 23, 2012

Link Access to SQL via MSDE

I have an MSDE database with a linked SQL server defined in it.
Is it possible to create a table in an Access database which is linked to a
table in the SQL server by going through the MSDE linked server.
I can easily create linked tables in Access to a db defined in MSDE, or SQL
Server, but I cannot find the magic bullet to let Access link through MSDE
to the linked SQL server.
No. Create the linked table directly to the SQL Server you are
interested in, or create a view in MSDE that pulls the data in the SQL
Server and link to that.
On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 10:47:22 -0400, "Howard" <>

>I have an MSDE database with a linked SQL server defined in it.
>Is it possible to create a table in an Access database which is linked to a
>table in the SQL server by going through the MSDE linked server.
>I can easily create linked tables in Access to a db defined in MSDE, or SQL
>Server, but I cannot find the magic bullet to let Access link through MSDE
>to the linked SQL server.
|||A view wouldn't work because the client needs it to be updatable.
"Mary Chipman" <> wrote in message [vbcol=seagreen]
> No. Create the linked table directly to the SQL Server you are
> interested in, or create a view in MSDE that pulls the data in the SQL
> Server and link to that.
> --Mary
> On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 10:47:22 -0400, "Howard" <>
> wrote:
|||Views can be updateable if you tell Access what the PK/unique index
is, but I would recommend linking directly to the SQLS table instead
of trying to go through linked servers. If that is not possible, a
second option would be to not use links at all for the updates. Write
stored procedures in the MSDE database that update the SQLS database,
and pass parameters to the MSDE stored procedures from your Access FE.
More work, and you need to handle possible concurrency conflicts
yourself, but it eliminates the linked-servers-from-Access potential
boondoggle you are contemplating.
On Sat, 28 Aug 2004 09:34:11 -0400, "Howard" <>

>A view wouldn't work because the client needs it to be updatable.
>"Mary Chipman" <> wrote in message
> .

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