Monday, March 19, 2012

Line delimiter.

Hi all.

I have some problem. String is kept in format "aaaa\r\nbbbb\r\nc\tcc" in database

When i trying to render a report(RS 2000) i take this result

textbox :

aaaa\r\nbbbb\r\nc\tcc ,but i want




c cc

Can you help me?

You could write a custom renderer on your own (sounds harder than it really is :-) ) Passing the data to managed code and letting the code to produce & vbclrf & for line feeds.

HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.|||

Hi All

I've found simple way to realize this feature. It turned out, that RS dont understand C# delimiter but understand VB delimiters .

I've written custom code for impleting this thing

Function ConvertString(ByVal value As String) As String
value = value.Replace("\n", vbCr)
value = value.Replace("\r", vbLf)
value = value.Replace("\t", " ")
Return value
End Function


Thats actually what I ment :-D


|||Thanks ;=)

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