Monday, March 19, 2012

Line Chart in RS - simple design question

I have a simply data file that I want to make a time-based line chart and I can't seem to get charts in RS to do it. The data file structure is as follows: (first line is column labels and each row is a case with three data points - one for each year)

school 2003 2004 2005

SchA 100 122 133

SchB 121 145 115

SchC 98 112 120

I can't seem to get the right series, category, and data fields to get a very simple line chart for each school (one trend line for each school connecting the three data points all one the same chart). It's trivial in Excel and using pivot tables, but RS charts is not structured the same way.?

The fields in the SQL result set returned are School, 2003, 2004, & 2005.

Any help for this seemingly simply problem would be appreciated. Thanks

Ed Sloat

your resultset has to look like this:

Year SchA SchB SchC

2003 100 121 98

2004 122 145 112

2005 133 115 120

SchA, SchB, SchC are your value fields
Year is your category field

this should work fine

Gerhard, Thanks for the reply. I did try this and it does work but it requires a fundemental restructuring of the underlying data. From your answer, I am guessing the RS charting assumes a single static (required) data structure for the charting features and does not allow for flexibility in the defining the data rerlationships,... which makes it much less functional than charting in Excel or in other statistical/data analysis software. Seem like it makes some pretty trival/common data display tasks much more difficult.




OK, Select the line chart, then Select School and drop them under 'Drop Series fields here', Select years and drop them under 'Drop Categroy fields here' and finally Select the data fields and drop them 'Drop data fields here' areas.

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